The Partnership for Development of Hranicko Region

Local Action Group Hranicko is a non-profit civic association of business, nonprofits, local administration and local associations of the Hranicko Region, which were brought together by the idea of mutual cooperation for the region’s benefit and the recognition of the importance of the partnership principle. It has been established in 2006 and in October 2007 it had 39 members. The first step of the association was the preparation of the region for the subsidy program LEADER Czech Republic, which helps similar organizations in the European Union to develop their regions. The key to the success of the association was the formulation of its own goals within the region, in other words a plan for the support of the most important areas of Hranicko Region, titled Šance pro Hranicko (Opportunity for Hranicko Region). Eight best projects supporting tourism and local agriculture products have received financial support totalling 130.000 EUR. Education of the development partnership members was also supported.

The civic association works with a long-term vision. An important step towards further development of the association is the preparation of the region for the utilization of the EU program LEADER+ in years 2007-2013. LAG Hranicko can enter the program with its own creative strategy of Hranicko Region development, with which it must be successful in the competition with other Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic.


František Kopecký
Skype: fanos.kopecky
Tel./fax: +420 581 601 716
© 2007-2024 Microregion Hranicko
Cofinanced with European Union